
Test Automation Adoption: Doing The Right Thing In The Right Way

No test automation tool is a magic wand. Learn how to successfully implement test automation.

Adopting a tool is not an easy process, even though many companies strive to make it as simple as possible. A lot of thought, planning, and preparation need to go into successfully adopting this kind of tool in order to make the most of it. 

David Ross and Ryan Thornton first look into the theory of adopting new test automation software - the strategy, different ways to organize your QA teams - then they tackle the practical application - how to set up tests, organize in-sprint testing, and review test results critically.


The Virtuoso Adoption Process

Published on
David Ross ● Head of Solutions & Best Practice
Ryan Thornton ● VP of Marketing

A guide to how to adopt a test automation tool and succeed.

Adopting a tool is not an easy process, even though many companies strive to make it as simple as possible. A lot of thought, planning, and preparation need to go into successfully adopting this kind of tool in order to make the most of it. 

David Ross and Ryan Thornton first look into the theory of adopting new test automation software - the strategy, different ways to organize your QA teams - then they tackle the practical application - how to set up tests, organizing in-sprint testing, reviewing test results critically. 

Not convinced? The eBook is free to download, but we’ve still got a sneak peek of some of the content below:

“There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a dashboard full of little green lights on your automation platform, and while this is very often a good sign that everything is good, it's really important not to be blinded by this. A core part of testing, and automated tests in particular, is reviewing and interpreting the test results. We say “automated tests in particular” because you are somewhat blind to the actual execution of the tests, and, unlike manual testing where the trained eyes of a good tester will spot odd or unwanted outcomes of an action, automation will only indicate if an individual step was executed or not.”

So what do you think? Ready to download our eBook on (The Test Automation Adoption Process)? We hope you enjoy it!

About Us

Virtuoso was developed by a team passionate about improving the quality of codeless test automation software without slowing down the development process. As work shifts more to the cloud and teams work remotely, on-premise software has become unwieldy and a bottleneck. We've reimagined test automation software by pioneering the next generation of codeless testing - all on the cloud. We believe anyone can test, and we're delivering on the promise of codeless test automation.