Digital Transformation at its best. And easiest.
3 authoring users
5 read-only users
10,000 executions
5 projects
Support Portal access
Online Training access
Delivery and Enablement
It is possible to purchase from our suite of Delivery and Enablement packages in addition to our Core platform.
Custom exections or parallels
Custom users
Unlimited read-only users
Custom projects
Business Process Orchestration
API testing
15 Authoring users
Cross browser testing
Delivery and Enablement
Your success is imperative to us. That means all our Enterprise customers get fast tracked onboarding and dedicated enablement as we guide you through your test creation. Unique to Virtuoso QA, we won't leave you until you are fully fledged and completely running your own tests. That's a promise.
Also available: Migrations and Integrations | Test Case Creation | Bespoke Training | Custom Work | Test Strategy and Composable Assets | Business Value Roadmapping | Use Case Adoption Support | Custom Technical Enablement | Access to Online Certifications and Training
100, 150 & 250 execution bundles &
Up to 3 users
Just right for individuals & small teams who need flexibility in there testing strategy with built-in room to grow.
Starting at £250
Up to 250 executions per month &
Up to 5 users
Just right for small teams with a specific and consistent plan for test automation.
£500 per month
Customized for you
We will make it just right for large and enterprise organisations that have robust testing needs.
100, 150 & 250 execution bundles &
Up to 3 users
Just right for individuals & small teams who need flexibility in there testing strategy with build-in room to grow.
Starting at $124
Up to 300 executions per month &
Up to 5 users
Just right for small teams with a specific and consistent plan for test automation.
$620 per month
Customized for You
We will make it just right for large and enterprise organisations that have robust testing needs.
100, 150 & 200 execution bundles &
Up to 3 users
Just right for individuals & small teams who need flexibility in there testing strategy with build-in room to grow.
Starting at €118
Up to 250 executions per month &
Up to 5 users
Just right for small teams with a specific and consistent plan for test automation.
€590 per month
Customized for You
We will make it just right for large and enterprise organisations that have robust testing needs.